• Afghans, Blankets & Throws

    Canada Proud

    I was so excited to start this blanket! This was a design I came up with and created myself.  Well, not the flag per say, but the layout and the maple leaf in the Corner to Corner (C2C) layout.  This stitch works up fairly quickly but when you add a pattern to it, it does take some patience to make sure you have the right number of colours in the right spots and you dont mess up the words.  The back and forth of colour changes and turning of the project can be confusing and you need to make sure that you mark the right side and the wrong side…

  • Afghans, Blankets & Throws,  Announcements,  Miscellaneous

    Flowers Bring Me Joy – 8 x 8 Inch Blanket Square Pattern

    It’s my turn to share with you my pattern for the Love and Joy Mystery Blanket CAL! My pattern was inspired by all the traditional red poinsettia’s that I see around the holidays. Since I live in a country that has a true winter with snow and frigid temperatures, the outdoor garden can not be enjoyed at this time of year. The bright red and green of the poinsettia are so beautiful indoors and they last throughout the winter months if you take care of them properly. This square includes flowers and some texture and can be made as a larger blanket or part of a multi square pattern like…

  • Announcements

    My First CAL (Crochet Along)

    Well here we are, approaching the holiday season. I decided this year to join a CAL which is a Crochet Along. This is a group of designers from all over that have come together and prepared an 8 x 8 inch square themselves to be grouped together to create a unique blanket! Every day for the month of December you can go to this hosts page (bearrye) to grab a free PDF pattern for an 8×8 inch blanket square for that day only. Each pattern will be free for 24 hours only and after their feature day each pattern will be available at the price decided by the individual designer…

  • Announcements,  Uncategorized

    Updated Pictures

    I have updated some of my galleries to show recent pictures of products created. Head onover to see them!! Who would have thought that taking pictures was so hard. It’s not as easy as clicking a button to take the image. You have to get the lighting right to show the details and in addition to just taking the pictures, there is also some editing that goes with it. If I could hire someone to take pictures of finished product I would. And of course edit and post them to the site then that would be perfect and ideal for me!

  • Afghans, Blankets & Throws

    When Things Go Wrong

    Well, I have been working on a project for quite some time and was pretty excited to have it completed, well almost completed. I had big plans for it and was really looking forward to putting it out there and showing it off. However, my plans got derailed, not once, not twice, but three times! Like many have done with finished items that they are gifting, we wash them. Note everyone does this I understand, but the purpose of doing it is for a few reasons. 1 – Make sure it doesn’t fall apart. 2 – Block it so it can keep it’s shape. 3 – Have a clean item…